About HeKKSaGOn

HeKKSaGOn_Treffen_01_rdax_1240x697 (1)Universität Göttingen

The German-Japanese University Network (HeKKSaGOn) was established in 2010 as a foundation to further develop international cooperation and exchange of ideas in education, research and innovation fields to further advance science, technology, industry and culture between member universities. The network, which was established under the name of German-Japanese Universities President´s Conference, is an umbrella for six excellent research-intensive universities from Germany and Japan that place a strong value on high-quality teaching within an environment of internationally competitive research.

The purpose of HeKKSaGOn is to create a unique brand mark for research collaborations amongst German and Japanese universities, to create added value for the network and to develop best practice through mutual exchange of experience. HeKKSaGOn brings together two of the world’s high-tech countries facing similar challenges in society like “Global Change and Adaptation.”

The future activities of and within HeKKSaGOn shall be highly dedicated to the great societal and global challenges as well as to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The HeKKSaGOn partners therefore pool their strengths in particular to contribute to the following priority areas:
  • Transcultural Studies and the Transformation of Societies

  • Data Science, Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence

  • Life Science, Medicine and Changing Environment


HeKKSaGOn Convictions & Commitments

  • Long-standing and solid relations between Japan and Germany are essential

  • Long-lasting successful collaboration amongst research institutions is imperative

  • Major global problems can only be solved by interdisciplinary and international cooperation in research and by the open and free exchange of knowledge

  • Changes in one part of the world have effects in other parts

  • It is the responsibility of the scientifically and technologically advanced nations to find solutions domestically and internationally for the betterment of the world