Mobility and Funding Options
Student and Lecturer Mobility
In combining the partner universities’ complementary strengths and expertise, and in encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration and generating synergies, HEKKSaGOn will enhance its potential in research and education to promote young academics and students. The network aims to collaborate in research and teaching addressing areas of high importance to society in order to contribute to the welfare of both Japan and Germany and of the world at larg
HeKKSaGOn members have agreed to concentrate on the following activities:
To set up research groups on specific aspects related to the priority areas
To involve non-university research institutions and industrial partners in research projects
To collaborate in the training of young researchers and to evolve joint programmes for graduate and/or doctoral students
To encourage the mobility of academic staff, young researchers and students within the consortium’s scope of activity
To jointly submit proposals in national and international funding competition
Call for Applications
DAAD-Kyoto University Partnership Programme towards SDGs
We would like to draw your attention to the "Programme of Project-Based Personnel Exchange (PPP) with Kyoto University 2025-2027" (also known as the DAAD-Kyoto University Partnership Programme towards SDGs) – a collaboration between Kyoto University and the DAAD.
This program, jointly initiated by the DAAD and Kyoto University, aims to establish sustainable partnerships and networks between German universities or non-university German research institutions and Kyoto University, as well as their partners. The special focus is on the exchange of early career researchers (ECR), whose research contributes to achieving the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The program supports short-term stays of research group members from German universities and their partner institutions at Kyoto University within the framework of joint existing or new scientific projects across all disciplines. The funding includes mobility and accommodation allowances and is exclusively available to doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers whose doctorate was awarded no more than five years ago.
Information for German universities and non-university research institutions can be found on the DAAD program page, where applications must also be submitted. Please select "Programm des projektbezogenen Personenaustauschs Japan mit der Universität Kyoto ab 2025“ under „Antragsmöglichkeiten“ to access the relevant page of the DAAD application platform. Please note that the website is available in german only.
The application deadline is September 10, 2024.
The selection will be made by the DAAD in consultation with Kyoto University. For inquiries to Kyoto University, contact through the Kyoto University Research Administration Center (KURA) is expressly encouraged. |
Currently advertised DAAD programs and ongoing project funding:For application requirements and further program information online please visit
Particularly noteworthy in this context are the following calls for applications: |

Informationen zum JSPS Summer Program 2025
Weitere Informationen und Bewerbungsfristen:
Bewerbungen für das Fiskaljahr 2025 (Ende 31.03.2026): bis spätestens zum 05.11.2024
Bewerber: Postdoktoranden, Promotion darf zum 1. April des Fiskaljahres, in dem das Stipendium angetreten wird, nicht länger als 6 Jahre zurückliegen. Alle Fachrichtungen Dauer: 12 bis 24 Monate. Weitere Informationen:
Weitere Informationen und Bewerbungsfristen:
linkFörderbekanntmachung des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung - Förderung von internationalen Verbundvorhaben in Wissenschaft und Forschung zum Thema Nachhaltige Wasserstofftechnologie als erschwingliche und saubere Energie zwischen Europa und Japan im Rahmen der European Interest Group CONCERT-Japan.